With the conclusion of the 2019-2020 school year...
Congratulations to our 8th graders! We look forward to seeing you next year at the high school. Here is a special message for you from Mr. Sundahl - http://fortlarnedks.apptegy.us/o/fort-larned/page/8th-grade-promotion-2020
Check out some of LES kids sporting their favorite teams. A lot of Kansas teams: Chiefs, KSU, Royals, KU, Larned! I threw in a few mismatch pictures too.
Tomorrow is Hawaiian Day. We hope to see you all rocking your Hawaiian best at the Caravan!
May 20th is the last scheduled day of school, it will also be the last day for USDA sponsored grab and go meals provided by USD 495. Pawnee County Summer Food Program begins June 8th, please visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/850029721718731/?ref=group_header for details.
TEAM Tuesday for LMS students today of Spirit Week! Go TRIBE!
LMS: Couple of late additions to Mismatch Monday. Remember that today is Team Tuesday!
May 20 KS High School Senior Appreciation Day #KSClassof2020
Any family that filled out a free & reduced lunch application and was approved should receive an email with a food service opportunity available from the state. If you have not received an email by June 1st, please contact Hannah Smith at the USD 495 District Office.
LES Bitmoji Challenge Part 2
Here are your morning announcements for today. Today is Team Tuesday! Please email Mrs. McGurk at catrina.mcgurk@usd495.com with your pictures!
This is a reminder that all USD 495 Chromebooks need to be returned on Thursday, May 21st to Larned High School. Return times are 10am-1pm and 4pm-6pm. There will be three drop off locations in the front of the building based on the student's last name. (Please see the attached map for details.)
Someone from the Technology Department will be posted at each door to confirm there is no damage to the Chromebook. A parent or guardian must be present to sign off that the device & charger were returned and to confirm the condition of the device.
LMS Mismatch Day - LMS Students, please send your photos to your TRIBE teacher to share. Here is our 6th grade teacher team along with a 6th grade student representative. Monday madness today!
LES Mismatchers! Tomorrow is Team Tuesday! Email your pictures to Mrs. McGurk at catrina.mcgurk@usd495.com
Hope to see lots of Chiefs fans! :)
Update: 8th Grade Awards will be ready next Tuesday, May 26 for pickup from our office. We will have Promotion certificates and year end awards in the packets. Please call or come by between 10 am to 2 pm to pick up. If questions, please contact the LMS office.
LES Kids/Families: We have another challenge for you all. Some of our teachers and a few support staff have created Bitmojis. We thought it would be fun to see if you can guess who they represent. Happy guessing!
Today is Mismatch Monday! LES kids email Mrs. McGurk, catrina.mcgurk@usd495.com, and LMS kids email your Tribe teacher. We can't wait to see the madness!
We have another caravan planned for Wednesday at 6pm. Our route is shorter this time. Please see the map so we get to see you! Remember to social distance wherever you line up. We can't wait to see you all!
Congratulations Class of 2020! Here is a special message for you - https://www.usd495.com/o/fort-larned/page/class-of-2020--26
Congratulations to the LHS graduating class of 2020. You fought through unprecedented circumstances. Continue to be the light. #larnedpride, #bethelight
For one last time USD 495 will again honor the seniors by lighting the stadium lights and keeping them lit for 20 min and 20 sec. This will be the final be the light night. Congratulations to the class of 2020. #larnedpride, #bethelight