A comprehensive strategic plan has been developed to address the priorities and needs of Fort Larned USD 495. This plan focuses on effectively allocating time, talent, and resources in alignment with identified priorities, ensuring that they correspond to the specific needs of the district.
In order to gather input and understand the needs and aspirations of various stakeholders, extensive engagement efforts were conducted throughout the 2021-2022 school year. Leaders engaged key stakeholders including students, employees, parents, and members of the community to collect feedback through community events, visits to all school sites and department buildings, and information gathered by the Superintendent and administration.
To gain further insight, advisory groups such as the Administration and Directors Team, Superintendent's District Leadership Team, District Site Council, Building Leadership Teams, and Building Site Councils were involved in the process. These groups engaged in thorough discussions regarding the strengths and needs of the district.
All of the data collected from these engagement efforts and advisory groups were carefully analyzed and prioritized. This analysis allowed for the identification of specific opportunities for growth within USD 495.

The following groups of individuals play a critical role in guiding and supporting the overall functioning of USD 495. Teams are made up of diverse stakeholders who bring different perspectives and expertise to the table. These teams work collaboratively to address key challenges, set goals, and develop strategies for the improvement of the district as a whole. Click on the buttons below for an overview of each group, its members, and the dates set for meetings.