LMS BAND students: If you are planning on playing in band this school year, you are invited to come to Larned High School band room on Thursday, August 6 and Friday, August 7. Grades 7th/8th meet from 9 to 10 am and 6th grade students are welcome from 10 to 11 am. Please bring your instrument and band book and have fun playing. We will also talk about some ideas for playing in this new environment. - Mr. Lyman
Fall sports practice start August 17th.
All athletes must have a completed physical packet turned into the high school office by August 17th, in order to participate. Don’t wait, get it done NOW! #larnedpride
If you plan on participating in LMS Cross Country, FB or VB, you must have a physical. Please contact LMS- 285-8430 for questions.
Enrollment and fee payment is open today at Larned Middle School from 8am-5pm. We look forward to seeing you!
Fall sports practice start August 17th. All high school athletes must have a completed physical packet turned into the high school office by August 17th, in order to participate. Don’t wait, get it done NOW! Make sure you have all the necessary signatures! #larnedpride
Parents -
Band camp will be this Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
All groups will meet at the HS during their specific times.
Students should bring their instruments and music and enter the building using the South door by the band room.
They will divide into smaller groups and use distancing guidelines.
Thank you.
Preschool Parents/Guardians:
If your child has been screened, please complete the online enrollment or you may come enroll at LMS on Tuesday, August 4th.
Thank you.
Last day for Tribe Power! Great work this summer!
Last day of LMS Tribe Power tomorrow, (Thursday) July 30! The plan is to have minute to win it competitions, relay races, and dodge ball. Even if you haven’t attended all summer, come on out and join the fun!!
Online enrollment is open! Fees and meals can be paid online via eFunds - instructions to get started are on the Enroll Now! page. eFund service fees are being waived by the district through the end of September.
USD 495 Board of Education, at the request of administration voted to delay the start of school for students by one week from August 13th to August 20th. The extra week will provide staff the opportunity to work on logistics and safety measures for the upcoming school year. The new approved calendar for 2020-2021 can be accessed at https://5il.co/iltl . USD 495 is currently working to develop the best learning options for all students. A parent survey will be sent to parents on Monday, July 27th.
Parents of incoming Kindergarten students need to complete the Ages and Stages Questionnaire. This is a screening/monitoring program to help reveal strengths and uncover any concerns. The link with more information is on the USD 495 enrollment page. Here is the link to the Ages and Stages Questionnaires parents will need to complete. https://www.asqonline.com/family/6cf438
If you have questions, please call Larned Elementary School.
Here is another option for sports physicals for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year.
Our Skyward provider is completing an update on Saturday, July 18th. As a result, our online enrollment will be unavailable on that day. Services should be renewed by Sunday, July 19th.
On Wednesday, Governor Kelly announced that she is delaying the start of school in Kansas until after Labor Day. With this announcement it will affect our school calendar for the 2020-2021 year. We are in the process of updating that calendar with the new start date that also reflects the state requirements for hours. We are also working to develop plans for the reopening of schools based on three goals: 1. Return to school for in person education, while providing additional educational opportunities at parental request; 2. Being able to maintain in person school operations throughout the 2020-2021 school year; and 3. Provide both equitable and suitable, teaching and learning that meets district/state adopted outcomes.
Enrollment has opened. Please complete the enrollment so we can make appropriate plans for the start of school and ensure appropriate resources can be arranged. Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we continue to navigate these changes.
We will be having a live stream of the graduation ceremony on Saturday.
The following guidelines will be put in place for the Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony on July 11th, 2020:
1. We will utilize both sides of Earl Roberts Stadium to provide ample space for seating. Patrons may also bring lawn chairs and utilize the track. The football field is off limits to those not involved with the ceremony. USD 495 encourages patrons to adhere to social distancing guidelines as best as possible.
2. Masks are recommended, but not required. Larned HS grads are not required to wear a mask.
3. Graduates' seating will be situated approximately 6 feet apart to adhere to social distancing guidelines.
4. Graduates will receive their diplomas, but handshakes will be discouraged by USD 495 personnel with the graduates.
New information from Pawnee Valley Medical Center regarding new procedures and opportunities for Sports physicals for the upcoming school year.
LES is partnering up with Sunflower Early Education Center for a Birth to 5 Screener on July 31. Please see the attached image for more information. We still have a few appointments available.
Online Enrollment for the 2020-2021 School Year will open July 15th. You should receive a letter form the school district this week. If you have not received a letter from USD 495 by July10th, please contact the USD 495 District Office.