Did You Know?
Kansas dairy farms are a big part of our state’s agriculture. In 2021, Kansas dairies produced 4.1 billion pounds of milk. With about 228 licensed dairy herds, Kansas dairy cows produce an average of 7.55 gallons of milk per day. Across the U.S., 97% of dairy farms are family-owned, showing how much care and hard work goes into getting high-quality dairy products to our tables.
Dairy foods are packed with essential nutrients like protein, calcium, vitamin D, and potassium, which support overall health and wellness.
How Dairy Products are Made
Milk goes through three steps to make sure it’s safe and ready to drink:
Standardization: Cream is separated from the milk to create different types like whole, 2%, or skim milk.
Pasteurization: Milk is heated to at least 145°F to kill harmful bacteria.
Homogenization: Milk is mixed so the cream doesn’t separate, making it smooth and consistent.
Kansas State Department of Education | Child Nutrition & Wellness | cnw.ksde.org