Harvest of the Month

Did You Know?

  • Apples come in a variety of colors including red, yellow and green.

  • The pilgrims planted the first U.S. apple trees in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

  • Apples naturally have a wax coating for protection. This coating is removed during packing, and a natural wax is applied to prevent moisture loss.

  • There are 7,500 varieties of apples grown in the world and 100 varieties grown in the United States!

Nutrition: Apples provide many nutrients such as fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. One large apple provides an average of 80 calories and 20% of the recommended daily dietary fiber.

How Apples Are Grown: Apples develop after an insect transfers pollen from one tree to another. This means that apple trees cannot grow alone; they must be planted in at least pairs in order to produce fruit. Apples trees can grow in most weather climates.

Harvest Season: Apples are ready to be picked from July through October.

Color Changes: As apples ripen, noticeable changes occur in the color of the skin, flesh, and seeds.

Nutritional Best Practices: Apples are most nutritious when consumed fresh but can also be processed into applesauce or juice.

Storage: Keep apples refrigerated to extend their shelf life (freeze apples for 8-12 months). Only wash apples when ready to use to preserve their freshness.

Kansas State Department of Education | Child Nutrition & Wellness | https://cnw.ksde.org

All about apples!