Be Your Best Academy is sponsored by the 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) grant. The following information will help you to understand the operations of our site, the responsibilities of our site staff and your role in helping provide a quality experience for your child.
Be Your Best
Mission Statement: Be Your Best Academy is committed to helping students discover, achieve, and become their best selves. Our program fosters a caring and creative environment that emphasizes the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development of each child.
Organizational Structure: The Be Your Best Academy Coordinator oversees the program, maintaining a certified/classified staff-to-student ratio of 1:20. The coordinator is responsible for daily programming and ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for all students.
Program Availability
After-school care is available Monday through Friday on regular school days from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM, with the exception of school vacations, teacher in-service days, and early dismissal days.
Daily Programming
Nutritious Snack: A nutritious snack will be provided by the district's food service provider, OPAA, as part of the daily routine. Snacks are included in the program.
Homework Assistance: Our dedicated staff offers guidance and support to help students complete their homework and reinforce their learning.
Enrichment Activities: Students will engage in structured small and large group activities that encourage creativity, teamwork, and personal growth.
Supervised Play: Both indoor and outdoor activities are supervised, promoting physical activity, social interaction, and fun.
Program Fees
Fee Structure: Thanks to the federally funded 21st CCLC grant, Be Your Best Academy is offered free of charge to all students.
Scheduling System and Commitment: Parents/guardians must commit to specific days for their child’s attendance. For example, if you select Monday and Wednesday, those will be the only days your child can attend. Drop-ins are not permitted, so it’s important to adhere to the selected days.
Prompt Pickup: Please ensure your child is picked up promptly by 5:30 PM. For the safety and well-being of all students, if a child remains on-site after 5:45 PM, we will notify the appropriate contacts. In certain cases, law enforcement may be contacted if necessary. If this is abused, dismissal of program may be a result.
Discontinuation of Participation: If you wish to discontinue your child's participation in Be Your Best Academy, we kindly request a two-week notice. This allows us to adjust our program and accommodate other students as needed.
Behavior Expectations
Students are expected to adhere to the same rules of behavior as during the regular school day. Misbehavior will result in one verbal warning, and repeated incidents will be referred to the coordinator and/or administration, potentially leading to dismissal from the program.
Termination Guidelines
Care may be terminated if a child's needs cannot be met, if repeated behavior endangers others, or if parents/guardians fail to cooperate with program procedures.
Authorization to Pick Up Students
Emergency contacts must be listed in Skyward, and any changes to pickup arrangements must be communicated to the coordinator to ensure student safety.
Transportation is the responsibility of the parents or guardians, bussing will not be provided.
Any student at USD 495 is eligible to attend Be Your Best Academy. Enrollment forms are available at the school’s program office. These forms must be completed and returned to the Site Coordinator before your child can participate.
Students are expected to attend regularly to gain the full benefit of the program. If a student has three consecutive absences, the Site Coordinator will contact the parent/guardian. Continued absences may result in the student being placed on inactive status.
Each student must be signed in and out daily by a parent/guardian or authorized person. Picture ID is required for anyone unknown to site personnel.
Discipline Policy
The discipline policies align with the USD 495 Student Code of Conduct. Dangerous or frequent misbehavior will result in dismissal from the program.
Parent/Guardian Expectations
Attend at least two parent night workshop sessions.
Keep student registration information current.
Sign your student out by the close of the program each day.
Inform the Site Coordinator if your student will not attend.
Stay engaged with the program by reading and responding to correspondence.
Student Expectations
Attend the program regularly.
Be responsible for your actions.
Follow school rules during the program.
Remain with program staff until released to the proper authority.
Health and Safety
If your child has a known medical condition, please indicate it on the registration form and inform the Site Coordinator. A nurse will not be on-site for this program.
Students showing signs of illness will be sent home and may not return until symptom-free for 24 hours.
Medical and Natural Disaster Emergencies
In the event of an emergency, parents/guardians or approved adults will be notified immediately, and 911 may be called. We follow USD 495’s emergency action plan for natural disasters.
Child Abuse Reporting
All USD 495 employees are required to report any suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect.
Program Contact:
Catrina McGurk, BYBA Director
Hailey Ohnmacht, BYBA Coordinator
Larned Elementary School
(620) 285-2141